Mobile Ads From Chitika
Cash In On Your Mobile Traffic
Chitika Mobile Ads are a new feature of Chitika's
existing ads that automatically transform text ads to mobile ads for
iPhone & Android traffic.
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String.prototype.ltrim = function() { return this.replace(/^\s+/,""); } ch_ad_url = ''; ch_oeh = window.onerror; ch_chitika_loaded = true; ch_loaded = 0; ch_meta_vars = new Array('codev','lat','lon'); function dq(s) { return (s != null) ? '"' + s + '"' : '""'; } function ch_au(p,v) { if (v) { window.ch_ad_url += '&' + p + '=' + v; } } function ch_aue(p,v) { if (v) { ch_au(p,escape(v)); } } function ch_def(v, def) { return (v) ? v : def; } function ch_ad_render_ecpm() { var w = window; if(typeof(w["ch_mmhtml"])!="undefined") { var thehtml = w.ch_mmhtml["output"]; if (thehtml && thehtml.indexOf("<ROLLUP>") == -1) { ch_decision(true); return; } } ch_decision(false); } function ch_ad_render_search() { var w = window; if(typeof(w["ch_mmhtml"])!="undefined") { var thehtml = w.ch_mmhtml["output"]; if (thehtml && thehtml.indexOf("overture") != -1) { ch_decision(true); return; } } ch_decision(false); } function ch_ad_locate(obj) { var objPos = {'x':0,'y':0}; try { if(obj.offsetParent) { while(1) { objPos.x += obj.offsetLeft; objPos.y += obj.offsetTop; if(!obj.offsetParent) { break; } obj = obj.offsetParent; } } else if(obj.x && obj.y) { objPos.x += obj.x; objPos.y += obj.y; } } catch (err) { objPos.x = -1; objPos.y = -1; } return objPos; } function ch_get_snippet(){ try{ var snippetPriority = new Array('title', 'h1', 'meta'); var snippetCount = 1; var snippetMaxLength = 100; var snippetData = new Array(); if (document.getElementsByTagName){ var metaTags = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for(var meta=0; meta<metaTags.length-1; meta++){ snippetData[metaTags[meta].getAttribute('name').toLowerCase()] = metaTags[meta].getAttribute('content'); } if (document.title){ snippetData['title'] = document.title; } if (document.getElementsByTagName('h1').length > 0) { snippetData['h1'] = document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerHTML.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig, '') } } var snipCount = 0; for ( var snip in snippetPriority ) { if (snipCount >= snippetCount) { break; } var snippet = snippetPriority[snip]; if (snippetData[snippet]) { snipCount++; ch_aue('snip_' + snippet, snippetData[snippet].substring(0, snippetMaxLength)); } } }catch(err){} } function ch_get_style(x, styleProp) { if (x.currentStyle) { return x.currentStyle[styleProp]; } else if (window.getComputedStyle) { return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); } } function append_func(o, a) { return function (e) { if (typeof(o) == "function") { o(e); } return a(e); }; } function ch_write_iframe(f, thehtml, thejs,r, width, height) { var w = window; var d = w.ch_dim["ch_ad"+r]; if (typeof(f) == "undefined"){ return; //f was undefined crashing Chrome for Mac. } if (thejs){ var headID = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (headID){ if(typeof jQuery != 'function'){ var jquery = document.createElement('script'); jquery.type = 'text/javascript'; jquery.src = ''; headID.appendChild(jquery); } if (typeof(adFocused) == "undefined"){ var myjs = document.createElement('script'); myjs.type = 'text/javascript'; myjs.src = thejs; headID.appendChild(myjs); } } } var fobj = document.createElement("iframe"); fobj.src = "about:blank"; try {fobj.contentWindow.document.designMode = "on";} catch (e) {} fobj.border = "0"; = = 0; fobj.padding = "0"; fobj.frameBorder = 0; fobj.marginWidth = 0; fobj.marginHeight = 0; fobj.vspace = 0; fobj.hspace = 0; fobj.scrolling = "no"; fobj.setAttribute("class", "chitikaAdBlock"); fobj.setAttribute("allowTransparency", "allowTransparency"); // If we specified fluid width if(d[6]){ try{ var fctr = document.createElement("div"); // Create a container div try{ = 1;}catch(e){} // Makes IE6 behave. Zoom is not a standard property, so suppress any possible errors in other browsers = "auto"; // Width auto and overflow hidden trigger a special box rendering mode, which causes = "hidden"; // the element to not flow under floated elements = "100%"; // Thus allowing us to specify 100% width on the iframe without breaking the page fctr.appendChild(fobj); }catch(e){} } // If we specified fluid height if(d[7]){ try{ // The function we use to resize var ch_resize_height = function() {try{ _height = ((navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/) ? fobj.contentWindow.document.body.clientHeight : fobj.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight) + (navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE ?[6-7]\.0/) ? 2 : 0)); if(!fobj.bResizeSet) {if(w.addEventListener){fobj.contentWindow.onresize = append_func(fobj.contentWindow.onresize, fobj.onload);}else{fobj.contentWindow.attachEvent("onresize", fobj.onload);}fobj.bResizeSet = true;} = "" + _height + "px";}catch(e){ } return true;} if(window.addEventListener){ // This is the standardized method, but... fobj.onload = append_func(fobj.onload, ch_resize_height); // We can assign functions directly w.onresize = append_func(w.onresize, ch_resize_height); }else{ // IE doesn't use the standardized function fobj.attachEvent("onload", append_func(fobj.onload, ch_resize_height)); // And we have to use attachEvent, because it doesn't like w.attachEvent("onresize", append_func(w.onreszize, ch_resize_height)); // direct assignment of onload. } }catch(e){} } var tries = 0; var interval; var checkDisplay = function() { if (typeof(f) == "undefined" || f == null){ w.clearInterval(interval); return; } if (tries++ > 70) { w.clearInterval(interval); } var p = fobj; noDisplayNone = true; while (p != null) { try { st = ch_get_style(p, "display"); if (st == "none") { noDisplayNone = false; break; } } catch(e) {} p = p.parentNode; } try{ p = f.parentNode; } catch(e){return;} if (noDisplayNone) { w.clearInterval(interval); if (width && height) { fobj.width = width; fobj.height = height; } else { fobj.width = d[0];fobj.height = d[1]; } if(typeof(fctr) != "undefined"){ f.parentNode.insertBefore(fctr,f); }else{ f.parentNode.insertBefore(fobj,f); } try{ var fdoc = fobj.contentWindow.document;; fdoc.write(thehtml); fdoc.close(); }catch(e){} } } interval = w.setInterval(checkDisplay, 100); } function ch_write_mobile_ad(content, f){ if (window.ch_mobile_loaded == true) { return; } else { window.ch_mobile_loaded = true; } var imgWidth = 320; var imgHeight = 50; var adId = 'chitika-mobile-ad'; var screenWidth = window.innerWidth; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight; var adRatio = imgWidth / imgHeight; var adWidth = screenWidth; var adHeight = Math.floor(screenWidth / adRatio); var cMobileElement = document.createElement('iframe'); = adId; cMobileElement.className = adId; = adWidth + 'px'; = adHeight + 'px'; = 'fixed'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = '0px'; = "9999"; = "white"; = "block"; cMobileElement.scrolling = "no"; f.parentNode.insertBefore(cMobileElement,f); // Generate Sizes var adPWidth = adWidth / imgWidth; var adPHeight = adHeight / imgHeight; // Replace Content-Sizes content = content.replace('[ad-width]', adWidth); content = content.replace('[ad-height]', adHeight); for (lVar = 1; lVar <= imgWidth; lVar++) { content = content.replace( eval("/\\[ad\\-width\\-" + lVar + "\\]/g"), lVar * adPWidth ); content = content.replace( eval("/\\[ad\\-height\\-" + lVar + "\\]/g"), lVar * adPHeight ); } // Inject frame with content var fdoc = cMobileElement.contentWindow.document;; fdoc.write(content); fdoc.close(); // Setup touch-move trigger window.ch_show_mobile = true; document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(event) { document.getElementById(adId).style.visibility = 'hidden'; window.ch_show_mobile = false; }, false); // Manage Ad ch_manage_mobile(adId); } function ch_manage_mobile(adId) { var mobileAd = document.getElementById(adId); if (!mobileAd || window.ch_show_mobile != true) return; = (window.innerHeight - mobileAd.offsetHeight + window.pageYOffset) +'px'; = window.pageXOffset + 'px'; setTimeout ( "ch_manage_mobile('"+adId+"')", 256 ); } window.ch_saf_fixd = false; function ch_safariFix(adURL) { var w = window; w.ch_CHR = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("chrome") != -1; if (!w.ch_SAF || !adURL || w.ch_CHR) { return 1; } adURL = adURL.replace(/type\=mpu/i, 'type=pixel&safarifix=1'); var cForm = document.createElement("form"); = 'chSessionForm'; cForm.setAttribute('id', 'chSessionForm'); cForm.setAttribute('enctype', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); cForm.setAttribute('action', adURL); cForm.setAttribute('target', 'chCookieFrame'); cForm.setAttribute('method', 'get'); document.body.appendChild(cForm); var cFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); cFrame.setAttribute("src", ""); = "chCookieFrame"; = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px"; cFrame.onload = function() { if (w.ch_saf_fixd == true) { return 1; } else { w.ch_saf_fixd = true; } document.getElementById('chSessionForm').submit(); } document.body.appendChild(cFrame); } function ch_write_external_pixels(snurl){ window.onload = append_func(window.onload, function (e) { var cFrame = document.createElement("iframe"); cFrame.setAttribute("src", snurl); = "chExternalPixel"; = "none"; = "1px"; = "1px"; document.body.appendChild(cFrame); }); } function ch_decision(render) { var w = window; var r = w.ch_mmhtml["cb"]; var thehtml = w.ch_mmhtml["output"]; var thejs = w.ch_mmhtml["js"]; var f = document.getElementById("ch_ad"+r); if (typeof(f) == "undefined") {return;} if (w.ch_mmhtml["mobilehtml"]){ var ch_pg_head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var mobileCSS = document.createElement('link'); mobileCSS.type = 'text/css'; mobileCSS.rel = 'stylesheet'; mobileCSS.href = '' + Math.random(); ch_pg_head.appendChild(mobileCSS); var mobileJS = document.createElement('script'); mobileJS.type = 'text/javascript'; mobileJS.src = '' + Math.random(); ch_pg_head.appendChild(mobileJS); w.ch_mobile_content = w.ch_mmhtml["mobilehtml"]; } if (w.ch_mmhtml["pixelhtml"]) { ch_write_iframe(f, "<html><body>" + w.ch_mmhtml["pixelhtml"] + "</body></html>", null, r, 1, 1); } if (w.ch_mmhtml["snurl"]){ ch_write_external_pixels(w.ch_mmhtml["snurl"]); } if (thehtml && render) { ch_write_iframe(f, thehtml, thejs, r, null, null); } else { = "none"; ch_chitika_loaded = false; if (w.ch_mmhtml["alturl"]){ if (f){ var d = w.ch_dim["ch_ad"+r]; var fobj = document.createElement("iframe"); fobj.src = w.ch_mmhtml["alturl"]; fobj.border = "0"; = = 0; fobj.padding = "0"; fobj.frameBorder = 0; fobj.marginWidth = 0; fobj.marginHeight = 0; fobj.vspace = 0; fobj.hspace = 0; fobj.scrolling = "no"; fobj.setAttribute("class", "chitikaAdBlock"); fobj.width = d[0]; fobj.height = d[1]; f.parentNode.insertBefore(fobj,f); } } else if (w.ch_mmhtml["rtbhtml"] && w.ch_mmhtml["rtbhtml"] != ""){ s=document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = w.ch_mmhtml["rtbhtml"]; if (f){ document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(s); window["bid_" + r] = function(data){ if (typeof == "string" && != ""){ var d = w.ch_dim["ch_ad"+r]; var fobj = document.createElement("iframe"); fobj.src =; fobj.border = "0"; = = 0; fobj.padding = "0"; fobj.frameBorder = 0; fobj.marginWidth = 0; fobj.marginHeight = 0; fobj.vspace = 0; fobj.hspace = 0; fobj.scrolling = "no"; fobj.setAttribute("class", "chitikaAdBlock"); fobj.width = d[0]; fobj.height = d[1]; f.parentNode.insertBefore(fobj,f); } }; } } w.ch_default_render_fallback(r); } } function ch_default_render_fallback(r) { var w = window; var d = document; if (w["ch_render_fallback"]) { return w.ch_render_fallback(r); } var ow,owl,di,dobj,content,s; ow = document.write; owl = document.writeln; var f = d.getElementById("ch_ad"+r); di = w.ch_dim["ch_ad"+r]; if (typeof(di[2]) == "undefined") { di[2] = function () {}; } w.ch_alternate_ad_js = di[3]; w.ch_alternate_ad_html = di[4]; w.ch_alternate_ad_blank = di[5]; if (!w.ch_alternate_ad_js && !w.ch_alternate_ad_html && !d[2] && !w.ch_alternate_ad_blank) { return; } dobj = d.createElement("div"); if (f) { f.parentNode.insertBefore(dobj,f); } var dio = function () { if (f) { d.write = function (c) {dobj.innerHTML += c;}; d.writeln = function (c) {d.write(c+"\n");}; } }; var dif = function () { d.write = ow; d.writeln = owl; }; var load; if (w.ch_alternate_ad_js) { if (f) { load = function (e) { dio(); di[2](); s=d.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = w.ch_alternate_ad_js; f.parentNode.insertBefore(s,f); }; } else { load = function (e) { dio(); di[2](); d.write(unescape("%3Cscript%20type%3D%22text/javascript%22%20src%3D%22"+escape(w.ch_alternate_ad_js)+"%22%3E%3C/script%3E")); }; } } else if (w.ch_alternate_ad_html) { load = function (e) { dio(); di[2](); d.write(w.ch_alternate_ad_html); dif(); }; } else if (w.ch_alternate_ad_blank) { load = function (e) { dio(); di[2](); d.write(unescape("%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22width%3A%20"+d[0]+"px%3Bheight%3A%20"+d[1]+"px%3Bborder%3A0%3Bmargin%3A0%3B%22%3E%3C/div%3E")); dif(); }; } else { load = function (e) { dio(); di[2](); } } if (!ch_loaded && f) { w.onload = append_func(w.onload, load); dif(); } else { load(0); if (!f) { dif(); } } } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(";"); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; //while (c.charAt(0)==" ") c = c.substring(1,c.length); c = c.ltrim(); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return ""; } function append_domain(w){ var domain = window.location.hostname; if (domain != null){ var ar1 = /([^\.]+)\.(com|net|org|info|mobi|co\.uk|org\.uk|ac\.uk|uk)$/.exec(domain); if (ar1 && ar1[1]){ w.ch_client = w.ch_client + '_' + ar1[1]; } } } function ch_mm() { var w = window; w.ch_SAF = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") != -1; w.ch_referrer = document.referrer; var m = String(window.location.href).match(/#adpro-(.+?)_(.+)$/); if (m) { var wi = ch_def(w['ch_width'],'728'); var he = ch_def(w['ch_height'],'90'); var f = wi+'x'+he; var s = ch_def(w['ch_sid'], '-').toLowerCase(); if (m[1] == f && unescape(m[2].toLowerCase()) == s) { document.write(unescape("%3Ciframe%20name%3D%22adprotest%22%20width%3D%22"+wi+"%22%20height%3D%22"+he+"%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20src%3D%22http%3A//")); return; } } var m = String(window.location.href).match(/#chitikatest=(.+)/); w.ip = false; if (m) { w.ip = 'us'; w.ch_referrer = ""+m[1]; } else if (String(window.location.href).match(/#chitikatest/)) { w.ip = 'us'; w.ch_referrer = ""; } if (w.ch_non_contextual == "4" && w.ch_vertical == "premium" && !w.ch_alternate_ad_url && !w.ch_backfill){ w.ch_search_referral = 1; } if (w.ch_search_referral && typeof(w.ch_behavior_window) == "undefined") w.ch_behavior_window = 1800; w.onerror = w.ch_oeh; var amm_host = ch_def(w.ch_host, ""); if (amm_host != ''){ if (Math.random() < .02){ amm_host = ch_def(w.ch_host, ""); } } w.ch_ad_url = 'http://' + amm_host + '/minimall?w=' + w.ch_width + '&h=' + w.ch_height; if (w.ch_append_tracking){ w.ch_client = w.ch_client + "_" + w.ch_append_tracking; } else if (w.ch_client == 'epodunk') { append_domain(w); } ch_screen = "" + screen.width + "x" + screen.height; if(navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { ch_window = "" + document.body.offsetWidth + "x" + document.body.offsetHeight; ch_canvas = "" + document.body.clientWidth + "x" + document.body.clientHeight; }else{ ch_window = "" + window.outerWidth + "x" + window.outerHeight; ch_canvas = "" + document.body.clientWidth + "x" + document.body.clientHeight; } ch_aue('client', w.ch_client); ch_aue('accountid', w.ch_accountid); ch_aue('noctxt', w.ch_non_contextual); ch_aue('partner', w.ch_partner); ch_aue('sid', w.ch_sid); ch_au('provider', w.ch_provider); ch_aue('url', w.ch_pu); ch_aue('ref', w.ch_referrer); ch_aue('nump', w.ch_nump); ch_aue('query', w.ch_query); ch_au('ip', w.ip); if (w.ip) { ch_au('test', '1'); } if(w.ch_local_enabled) w.ch_type = "map"; if (w.ch_type) { ch_au('type', w.ch_type); if (w.ch_queries && w.ch_queries.constructor.toString().indexOf("Array") != -1) { ch_aue('mquery', w.ch_queries.join('|')); } else if (w.ch_query) { ch_aue('mquery', w.ch_query); } } ch_aue('nobanners', w.ch_no_banners); if (w.ch_adpro_button) { ch_au('target_cookie', 'grfrzjvIfB'); } ch_aue('tptracker', w.ch_third_party_tracker); ch_aue('defaulttab', w.ch_default_tab); ch_aue('defaultcat', w.ch_default_category); ch_aue('filtercat', w.ch_filter_category); ch_aue('filterin', w.ch_filter_in); ch_aue('filterout', w.ch_filter_out); ch_aue('cttarget', w.ch_target); ch_aue('att', w.ch_att); ch_aue('nosearch', w.ch_nosearch); ch_aue('searchref', w.ch_search_referral); ch_aue('noprice', w.ch_noprice); ch_aue('noborders', w.ch_noborders); ch_aue('backfill',w.ch_backfill); ch_aue('vertical', w.ch_vertical); ch_aue('cl_border', w.ch_color_border); ch_aue('cl_bg', w.ch_color_bg); ch_aue('cl_title', w.ch_color_title); ch_aue('cl_text', w.ch_color_text); ch_aue('cl_site_link', w.ch_color_site_link); ch_aue('fn_title', w.ch_font_title); ch_aue('fn_text', w.ch_font_text); ch_aue('alturl', w.ch_alternate_ad_url); ch_aue('altcss', w.ch_alternate_css_url); ch_aue('ecpmiwant', w.ch_ecpm_i_want); ch_aue('udq', w.ch_udq); ch_aue('behavioral_window', w.ch_behavioral_window); ch_aue('previous_format',w.ch_previous_format); ch_aue('premium_search',w.ch_premium_search); ch_aue('tab_click',w.ch_tab_click); ch_aue('prefill_search',w.ch_prefill_search); ch_aue('tp',w.ch_tp); ch_aue('must_fill',w.ch_must_fill); ch_aue('target_pixel',w.ch_target_pixel); ch_aue('theme',w.ch_theme); ch_aue('retarget',w.ch_retarget); ch_aue('select',w.ch_select); ch_aue('auid', w.auid); ch_aue('screenres', w.ch_screen); ch_aue('winsize', w.ch_window); ch_aue('canvas', w.ch_canvas); ch_aue('extra_poi', w.ch_poi); ch_aue('mobile', w.ch_mobile); ch_aue('where', w.ch_where); for (var i in ch_meta_vars){ var k = "ch_" + ch_meta_vars[i]; if (typeof(w[k]) != "undefined"){ ch_aue(ch_meta_vars[i],(w[k])); } } if (w.ch_demo_mode == 1) { ch_au('ip', ''); ch_au('demomode', '1'); } var r = Math.round(Math.random() * 1000); ch_au('cb', r); w.ch_ad_url = w.ch_ad_url.substring(0, 2048); w.ch_ad_url = w.ch_ad_url.replace(/%\w?$/, ''); if (typeof(w.ch_dim) == "undefined") { w.ch_dim = {}; } // For list units we pass a string for height, which IE just hates. So, if we're passing a string, we'll fake it out // by passing 0. Height is resized by fluidH anyway. _dHeight = (typeof(w.ch_height) == "string" || typeof(w.ch_height) == "undefined") ? 0 : w.ch_height; w.ch_dim["ch_ad"+r] = [w.ch_width, _dHeight, w.ch_alternate_js_callback, w.ch_alternate_ad_js, w.ch_alternate_ad_html, w.ch_alternate_ad_blank, w.ch_fluidW, w.ch_fluidH]; if (w.ch_search_referral) { if (!w.ch_allow_pixel && (w.ch_alternate_ad_js || w.ch_alternate_js_callback) && !String(w.ch_referrer).match(/(google||search.msn||ask||bing).com/)) { ch_clear(); return ch_default_render_fallback(r); } w.onload = append_func(w.onload, function (e) {window.ch_loaded = 1;}); ch_aue("required_text", "overture"); } if (w.ch_previous_format){ w.ch_previous_format = w.ch_previous_format + "," + w.ch_width + "x" + w.ch_height; } else { w.ch_previous_format = w.ch_width + "x" + w.ch_height; } document.write('<div id="chitikaAdBeacon-'+r+'"></div>'); var adBeacon = document.getElementById("chitikaAdBeacon-"+r); var adLoc = ch_ad_locate(adBeacon); ch_au("loc", adLoc.x + "," + adLoc.y); ch_get_snippet(); // This will make all ads 'premium' so they collapse. - Detzel, 5.12.10 w.ch_ad_url += "&output=simplejs&callback=" + (w.ch_ecpm_i_want ? 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